What Is Custom Web Development?

Custom web development allows you to create software accessible on a browser. Computer programming will enable you to obtain a secure space online. Thus, your employees, customers or suppliers can collaborate effectively according to their rights. The online area is accessible via all terminals with a browser: PC, Mac, Android tablet, iOS tablet, Smartphone. Providing a mobile application for a smoother user experience is also possible.

Who Can Carry Out Custom Web Development?

This is the work of an IT development company such as Ozytis. It is known that Ozytis specializes more particularly in tailor-made productivity solutions.

Within Ozytis, the web developers have the mission of transforming customer needs into a tailor-made web solution that any user can easily use. A web developer generally has completed BAC +3 or master’s level training at a computer engineering school. For more details on the web developer position, you can consult the following sheet on the Onisep website: IT developer sheet.

Certain specificities distinguish web development companies from software development companies. To know these nuances, you can consult the web development company page.

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Methodology Of A Tailor-Made Web Development Project

The Fruit Of More Than 10 Years Of Experience

At Ozytis, we have successfully carried out several hundred tailor-made web projects over more than ten years. As our projects progressed, we developed a methodology to deliver the web platform expected by the client quickly.

1 – Analysis Of Your Request

During the pre-sales phase, we analyze the feasibility of your tailor-made development project and pay particular attention to your business, your organization and the context of the project. This allows us to summarize your needs and the expected functioning of your future tailor-made web development. A commercial offer summarizes all these aspects while explaining the project’s process.

2 – Design

Then comes the design phase of the project, during which we create functional models representing the screens that users of your web application will see. During this phase, we collect your feedback and have numerous discussions between you and us to refine your project. We indeed attach great importance to co-constructing the project. At the end of the design phase, we write functional specifications that allow us to put down on paper aspects that are not visible on the models—for example, the rights of different users or the content of emails that will be sent automatically.

3 – Implementation

Next comes the actual implementation phase. The developers will program your tailor-made web application with a project manager. The project manager will play the conductor role to coordinate the developers and check that they are heading in the right direction and meeting deadlines. The project manager will also organize regular meetings with you to present the project’s progress. Thus, he will ask your opinion in case of doubt and collect your feedback following consultation on the project under development.

The objective of the project manager is to avoid the tunnel effect, which consists of interpreting the customers’ needs and presenting them with a finished solution that does not correspond to their actual needs. As soon as possible, the project manager will provide you with identifiers so that you can manipulate the answer yourself because nothing replaces user experience.

4 – Tests And Production

Once each batch has been developed, a tester will check that the web development corresponds to specifications and is bug-free. After its work and possible back and forths with the developers, we will wait for your green light to deploy the solution in production.

5 – Monitoring And Developments

We will stay by your side to ensure the smooth running of your web development. And we will also be available to study and make changes to enrich your project.

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