Learn About Web Systems Development

What Are Web Systems?

Web systems are software hosted on the internet, accessed through a browser. Generally, its use is widespread in companies or other institutions that need to store various data and information in the same place.

This type of system can be accessed by employees, collaborators or even customers when necessary. Some time ago, the software could only be used on local hardware, with the software having to be installed.

In this way, the data and information produced within the software were stored locally, making sharing communication slow and inefficient and not guaranteeing data security in the event of device loss. 

This reality has changed with the advancement of technology and the creation of web systems. Data began to be stored more securely, information began to be shared more quickly, and there was no longer a need to install anything on the device.

How Does It Work?

For the system to work, the software must be stored on a server, which will function by storing and organizing information in a database and providing the results of user searches. This part of the system, the back-end, is one of the two that make up a web system. 

The other part, the front end, is responsible for providing the visual and aesthetic aspects of the system, which must be pleasant, intuitive and personalized according to the institution that hires to construct it. The front end is usually programmed using languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while the back end is generally programmed in PHP, Phyton and MySQL.

What are the languages ​​used in the development of a web system? 

On the front end, HTML is the language used to describe the structure of web pages. CSS is the language that describes the page’s presentation, such as colours, font and layout. JavaScript is a program code used to make the web page more dynamic and with new interfaces. 

In the back-end, other programming languages ​​, such as PHP, Python and MySQL, are used, whose function is to program and configure the system pages and how data will be stored. 

What Are The Advantages Of Having A Web System?

This software model has some advantages, and one of the main ones is that it is not necessary to install any application or program on the device used or make any specific configuration to access it. Just enter your address in the browser and log in. 

Furthermore, it can be custom-developed to meet user needs. Another advantage is that its use is not restricted to a single location and can be used anywhere, as long as an internet connection exists.

Usually, the system also has the advantage of being accessed from any device connected to the internet and can be logged in via a computer, notebook, tablet or smartphone. Unlike a standard website, the web system is designed to be accessed only by specific users, typically using a personal or institutional login and password. 

The data and information stored in this system are protected from possible loss, stored in clouds and with constant backups, ensuring storage security and avoiding losses. In addition, physical copies of data can also be made, further increasing safety and access in the event of an internet connection failure. 

Another point about this type of system is that it requires maintenance. But this is by no means a problem because, unlike other more traditional software, updates do not depend on the user in the web system. In this case, the advantage is that the system is updated to better versions without user intervention, avoiding possible errors and communication conflicts within the company.

How Is The Web System Used In Practice?

Each company or institution will use the system according to its needs. But, more clearly, the system makes it possible to collect goods, control employees, register customers, collect company revenues and perform other functions. 

It can also be used in educational institutions as a portal for teachers and students to access grades, subjects, registrations and other information. And also in clinics and laboratories for patient registration, medical records, and even making test results available online for patients.

What Are The Differences Between The Web System, Conventional Websites And Applications?

Although a conventional website and the web system are accessed in the same way, the two perform different functions through a browser on a device connected to the internet. A typical website has an informative and expository role and is generally accessible to everyone who searches for its address. 

The web system has an interactive function, restricted access, and confidentiality of data that is open only to its users. In addition, they also have specific parts designed according to the needs of each company, different from standard websites. 

The difference between the web system and applications is that there is no need to download any software onto the device, thus facilitating access. Finally, it remains to talk about who is responsible for creating a web system.

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