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HomeCyberSecurityDo You Feel Secure With Your Company's Data Protection?

Do You Feel Secure With Your Company’s Data Protection?

Data Protection: Companies of different sizes and segments are witnessing an absolute explosion in the recent volume of data they store.

Whether this is a consequence of the Internet boom, the number of emails exchanged, increasingly cumbersome software, or stored media, the reality is that there has been massive growth that has taken on even greater proportions, which favored the explosion of attacks called  Ransomware, whose practice consists of encrypting the entire network, blocking the user and kidnapping his data or files until he pays a ransom – usually in bitcoins.

It is possible to increase the data security of your servers, as explained in this post, by implementing the following best practices in the market:

  • Choose a vendor that offers quality infrastructure.
  • Carefully manage server access permissions.
  • Train your staff to access and use servers efficiently and privately
  • Do not leave the servers aside, keeping constant attention and monitoring, ensuring that the necessary updates are made and potential risks mitigated.
  • Have the plan to minimize risk if there is a problem

However, even following all the steps above, an IT environment is only truly secure when it has a backup. After all, nothing is 100% immune to failure. However, despite being essential, this resource is used infrequently. Understand in this post how to implement a backup solution for your company.

Why Backup Ensures Your Data Protection

Backup is a backup of your data, regardless of how it is carried out: external HD, pen drive, or cloud. Because it is a replication of your data elsewhere, and it is the safest way to recover them in case of loss (which may be related to cyber attacks, natural disasters, and vulnerability issues, among others).

This type of protection is not strictly against hacker attacks. Still, it guarantees that the company can continue operating slightly more entirely in case of this problem.

If the data is stored on a parallel server or even offline, it is possible to maintain access, even with increased attention in times of crisis. But at least the company doesn’t stop entirely. In addition, the risks that the company is exposed to by not having a backup in case of losing data are many, such as:

  • Stoppage of activities with loss of sales revenue
  • Financial costs for not fulfilling commitments assumed
  • Legal problems due to non-compliance with the LGPD
  • Having the brand reputation damaged in the market

A backup is a way to keep a quieter routine with less worry. In short: backups help rebuild your network no matter what happens. This way, they prevent your business from losing important data, such as customer financial records, product information, payroll data, mailing lists, and even plans that would still be implemented.

What Is The Best Type Of Backup For My Company?

There are at least two types of backups available on the market. The first is local and network backup, in which copies of your important files and documents are stored on hard disks, USBs, external hard drives, or other devices that will be connected to your systems through a local or WAN (long-distance) network. , making documents available whenever I need them.

Although this method is considered quite effective, it is essential to consider that keeping only local backups is not the best way to prevent information loss – which, of course, leads us to the second existing model: the cloud.

Cloud backups are external and secure copies of data, where files are stored on a remote server accessible only through an Internet connection – regardless of whether the user is using a computer or other device.

This solution also offers cost savings with hardware and physical storage space. With this type of backup, the routines are automated, making it necessary to scale the space required for data storage. Therefore, we recommend using cloud backup whenever possible.

How To Choose The Best Backup Provider?

As we have seen, technology can offer several solutions to ensure more security and protection for your organization’s data. However, a solo practice will not guarantee the success of your backup – quite the opposite.

First, it is essential to remember that the ideal is to have the appropriate infrastructure, supported by a company specialized in the subject, which can guarantee the security of your data. Therefore, think carefully before choosing where to store your most sensitive and vital information.

Next, invest in processes, awareness programs, and periodic training, which, together with a quality supplier, will make a difference in your business’s backup strategy. And no backup, and forget about it!

Also Read: Learn To Identify Flaws In Data Security

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