Data Leak: How To Avoid Scams And What To Do?

Data Leak: As you can imagine, the leak of personal and vital data can pose enormous risks for those who are the actual owners of this information.

Just think that countless financial activities can be carried out with the above mentioned data. Possession of your data by a person with bad intentions allows them to open companies, ask for loans or hire services in your name, for example.

This type of action can result in losses sent to the actual owner of this data, the victim.

Tips On How To Avoid Scams

Having data leaked is a situation that exposes citizens to possible scam attempts by criminals who manage to gain access to this information. 

Therefore, it is essential to reinforce security and use strategies to avoid falling for scams and incurring losses.

Update Passwords

The process of updating passwords is essential for maintaining the security of your data. You should change your internet account passwords at least once a year.

But the important thing is not just to renew passwords but to create passwords capable of protecting you. Avoid generic and short passwords. It is also not recommended to use the same password for all services.

One tip is to choose an excerpt from a song or movie you like and alternate with some characters (numbers, for example) to use as a password. There are also specific tools that create and store passwords for you.

Never Confirm Data Over The Phone

This is an important tip. Be suspicious if you receive a call from someone claiming to be from a company or institution that you know and have had relationships with and asking you to confirm personal details.

If an institution has already had other contact with you, it must already have the necessary data. Furthermore, no institution asks for information such as bank passwords over the phone.

In this situation, the best thing to do is to disconnect the call and return directly to the institution, asking about the integrity of the previous call.

Use Already Available Digital Barriers

When we think about digital security, we naturally only relate it to passwords and access codes.

However, applications and digital platforms are increasingly developing ways to inhibit the actions of criminals and hackers.

Two useful digital security tools already widely offered by digital platforms are two-step verification and the security PIN. 

With two-step verification, whenever there is new access to your account, you will receive a notification indicating the new access and asking if it was you.

A security PIN consists of creating a numeric password, in addition to the traditional password already used at login, to access an app. The user must not forget the PIN, representing an additional barrier for criminals.

Don’t Click On Suspicious Links

This is an essential digital security tip that, unfortunately, many people ignore. It is never recommended, under any circumstances, to open links sent in messages from people or accounts you do not know.

And even if you know the people who sent the link, if you think it’s suspicious, don’t enter. A warning sign is an address that promises unthinkable coupons or advantages upon completing a registration.

The saying is valid at this moment: “When the alms are too much, the saint is suspicious”.


As seen throughout the text, data leaks can harm people and companies that are victims. With the intensity in which we digitize information, this type of crime may become even more frequent.

However, as we also discussed in the text, there are ways to prevent criminals from obtaining your data or at least make it difficult for them to do so.

Also Read: 4 Simple Steps To Create A Cybersecurity Culture In The Company

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